To Lead - Means to Serve Part 1

As a leader in the body of Christ it can be difficult at times. We need help. We need volunteers. We need people who are faithful to Christ. However, as a leader it is my first responsibility to serve God our Father and His will and plan and not the desires of my own flesh or the desires of others.
We must all develop the character and humility to be raised up into a position of leadership. Jesus is and will always be our greatest example. His words echo through time and do not change. Read the words from Matthew 20:26-28 - But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. We are called to be servant-leaders.
Leadership is not about making our names known. It is about making God's name known. If we want to lead and represent the kingdom of God and Jesus well it will require certain qualities to be developed in our lives.
To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
Proverbs 21:3
As a servant leader, perhaps the most important quality is integrity. It is the foundation on which all other leadership qualities are built. Proverbs 21:3 is a reminder that Jesus calls us to walk in the ways of righteousness and justice — our actions should reflect our faith.
If we are true servant leaders, we can’t cheat, lie and manipulate our way to the top. We are called to do something much different and entirely countercultural — to be honest.
The world tells us to do whatever it takes to achieve success and acclaim. Books tell us to dress and act a certain way to get noticed. Fairy tales tell us to just believe in ourselves.
Jesus tells us to humble ourselves and live lives with integrity.
Integrity is an intentional lifestyle, reflecting an overall track record of honesty and good character. We will stumble here and there, and we will we fall short (because we’re humans, after all). But true servant leaders are able to confess their sins before God and those they lead.
We all must be willing to walk the path of character development to be entrusted with the hearts and lives of others. There is no short cut in the kindom of God that will bear eternal fruit except that which Jesus has laid for us. To serve is to live like Jesus.
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