Our mission at Kingdom Point is four fold. We strive to provide the opportunities, the relationships, the healing, and the resources and support to impact our community and the world. Our mission consists of these four objectives: Reaching, Relating, Restoring, & Releasing. All ministries at Kingdom Point have a foundation in one or more of these four God-centered objectives.
Reaching people in our neighborhoods, city, region, and world with the message of reconciliation.
Relating people to the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and to one another, His Body.
Restoring people’s lives in the area of image/identity and authority, vision and hope, and faith for daily living.
Releasing people of God to serve, lead, and minister with the gifts the Lord has invested and imparted into their lives.
Our vision and desire as a church is to be a multi generational and multi cultural church that impacts many lives for Jesus. We care about people and God cares about people. God desires for His children to experience abundant life in Him. Our vision is to engage, encourage, equip and expand our community to experience this life each and every day through the love and encouragement of Christ. We believe that we can't do life alone, that growing people change, that saved people serve people, and that found people find people.
As we continue to invest resources into reaching people in Georgetown, the surrounding area & beyond, we pray that Kingdom Point can make a Kingdom impact at a global & local level. We have a passion to continue growing and impacting lives and to reach people for Jesus Christ.